Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master in Life Sciences "IMaLis" of ENS Paris. Christophe Godin co-organizes with Patrick Lemaire of a 35 hours module on Plant and animal morphogenesis.

  • Master Plant Ecophysiology, Christian Fournier, Introduction to architectural plant modelling, 4h, M1, Montpellier University

  • Master Computer Science: Frédéric Boudon (resp.), Christophe Godin, Christophe Pradal, Benjamin Gilles [ICAR, LIRMM] and David Vanderhaege and Loïc Barthe [IRIT, Toulouse], Computer graphics, 45h, M2, University Montpellier, France.

  • Master Biostatistics : University Montpellier.

    Yann Guédon teaches the stochastic modeling course (http://www.agro-montpellier.fr/um2/um1/masterbiostatistique ). This involves 21h of M2 classes.

  • Master of bioinformatic and biomathematics (University Cheikh AntaDiop, Dakar, Sénégal). Christophe Godin and Yann Guédon participated to the module iPlant (M2 - 12h).

  • Master of Biology Fonctionnelle. Christophe Godin gave a class of Master 2 on 'Phyllotaxis' in the at the University of Montpellier 2 (M2 - 4h).

  • Engineering Degree: SupAgro Montpellier. Christophe Pradal and Christian Fournier. "Introduction to modelling" (1st year, 12h).


  • PhD : Léo Guignard, "Segmentation, visualization and mechanical modeling of embryonic development in the ascidian", Montpellier University, 9 Dec. 2015, C. Godin, P. Lemaire.

  • PhD : Guillaume Garin, "Développement d’un cadre générique de modélisation du couple plante – agent pathogène dans OpenAlea et d’une méthodologie de transfert vers un Outil d’Aide à la Décision", 11 Dec. 2015, ANRT Ciffre ITK, C. Robert, B. Andrieu, C. Pradal, C. Fournier.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Philippe Bernard, "Adaptive mechanical model of early flower development based on 4D imaging", Montpellier University, C. Godin, B. Gilles.

  • PhD in progress : Beatriz Moreno Ortega, "Analysis and modeling of metabolic and hormonal controls of lateral root growth during their ontogeny. Application to the impact of water stress on the root architecture", Montpellier SupAgro, B. Muller, Y. Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Sixtine Passot, "Adaptation of millet root architecture : Phenotyping and spatio-temporal analysis of growing root systems", Montpellier University, L. Laplaze, Y. Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Severine Persello, "Structural-Functional modeling of yield and fruit quality build-up of the mango, and integration of the effects of cultural practices", Montpellier University, F. Normand, I. Grechi, F. Boudon.

  • PhD in progress : Marc Labadie, "Study of the alternation between vegetative and floral development in strawberry: spatio-temporal architecture and analysis of key flowering genes", Bordeaux University, Béatrice Denoyes, Y. Guédon.

  • PhD in progress : Adama Ndour, "Role of root architecture of pearl millet for tolerance to water stress", Montpellier University, L. Laplaze, M. Lucas, C. Pradal.


  • S. Cohen-Boulakia has been reviewer and member of the defense committee for the two following PhD thesis: Francois Moreews (U. Rennes 1), Mouhamadou Ba (INSA Rennes)